Eric D. Widmer


Widmer, E.D, de Bel, V., Ganjour, O.,Girardin, M., Zufferey, M.-E.(2020).Dynamiques familiales et covid-19 : réactions à la période de confinement. In Covid-19, le regard des sciences sociales. Gamba, F., Nardone, M., Ricciardi, T., Cattacin, S., pp. 159-177.

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Aeby, G., Gauthier, J. A., & Widmer, E. D. (2020). Patterns of support and conflict relationships in personal networks and perceived stress. Current Sociology, 0011392120948926. Abstract | Full text

Bonvin, J. M., Widmer, E.D., Consoli, L., & Zimmermann, R. (2020). Famille et vulnérabilités des enfants Université de Genève.Sociograph N° 44/2020.

Abstract | Full text

von Arx, M., Cheval, B., Sieber, S., Orsholits, D., Widmer, E.D., Kliegel, M., ... & Cullati, S. (2019). The role of adult socioeconomic and relational reserves regarding the effect of childhood misfortune on late-life depressive symptoms. SSM-population health, 8, 100434.

Abstract | Full text

Widmer, E.D., Girardin, M., & Ludwig, C. (2018). Conflict structures in family networks of older adults and their relationship with health-related quality of life. Journal of Family Issues, 39(6), 1573-1597. Abstract | Full text

Girardin Keciour, M., Ganjour, O., Zufferey Bersier, M.E., & Widmer, E.D.(2018). Proches aidants et proches aidés: ressources et contraintes associées aux dynamiques familiales confrontées à la perte d’autonomie du parent âgé. Université de Genève.Sociograph N°40 / 2018

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Cullati S., Kliegel M., Widmer ED. (forthcoming).Development of Reserves over the Life Course and Onset of Vulnerability in Later Life: A Conceptual Proposal. Nature. Human Behavior.

Ganjour O., Girardin M., Zufferey M.-E, Burton-Jeangros C., Widmer ED. (2018).Accès aux prestations socio-sanitaires des familles vulnérables à Genève. Le point de vue des acteurs de terrain.Sociograph, 38 - Sociological Research Studies. Observatoire des familles. Université de Genève, 70 pages.

Abstract | Full text

Favez, N., Widmer, E. D., Frascarolo, F., & Doan, M. T. (2018). Mother-Stepfather Coparenting in Stepfamilies as Predictor of Child Adjustment. Family process, 1-17p.

Abstract | Full text

Widmer, E.D., Spini, D. (2017). Misleading Norms and Vulnerability in the Life Course: Definition and Illustrations. Research in Human Development . Vol. 14(1). pp. 52-67. Abstract | Full text

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