Eric D. Widmer


Cohn-Schwartz, E., Roth, A. R., & Widmer, E. D. (2020). Joint social contact and network overlap of spouses facing later adulthood household transitions in Switzerland. Advances in Life Course Research, 100395.

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Ganjour, O., Widmer, E. D., Viry, G., Gauthier, J. A., Kaufmann, V., & Drevon, G. (2020). Understanding the Reconstruction of Personal Networks Through Residential Trajectories. Migration Letters, 17(5), 621-638.

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Aeby, G., Gauthier, J. A., & Widmer, E. D. (2020). Patterns of support and conflict relationships in personal networks and perceived stress. Current Sociology, 0011392120948926. Abstract | Full text

Sauter, J., Widmer, E.D., Baeriswyl, M., Ballhausen, N., Vallet, F., Fagot, D., ... & Ihle, A. (2020). Interactional effects between relational and cognitive reserves on decline in executive functioning. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B.

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Tettamanti, M., & Widmer, E.D.(2020). Devenir parents: une situation de double bind social?. Psychotherapies, 40(4), 237-245.

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Ganjour, O., & Widmer, E. D. (2019). Macrostructural conditions of early versus late institutional inclusion of same-sex couples in the family: an international comparison. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 15(5), 415-428.

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von Arx, M., Cheval, B., Sieber, S., Orsholits, D., Widmer, E.D., Kliegel, M., ... & Cullati, S. (2019). The role of adult socioeconomic and relational reserves regarding the effect of childhood misfortune on late-life depressive symptoms. SSM-population health, 8, 100434.

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Sauter, J., Widmer, E., Ihle, A., & Kliegel, M. (2019). The association of leisure activities in middle adulthood with cognitive performance in old age: Social capital mediates cognitive reserve effects. Psychology & Neuroscience, 12(2), 236.

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Favez, N., Widmer, E. D., Frascarolo, F., & Doan, M. T. (2019). Mother-stepfather coparenting in stepfamilies as predictor of child adjustment. Family process, 58(2), 446-462.

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Aeby, G., Gauthier, J.A., & Widmer, E.D. (2019). Beyond the nuclear family: Personal networks in light of work-family trajectories. Advances in Life Course Research , 39, 51-60.

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